by KCF | Jan 20, 2011 | Prensa / Press
Entrevista a Maria Volonte publicado en Clarin (Argentina). Charlando con el periodista Eduardo Slusarczuk, Maria habla de su evolución artística y el desafío de “ser la más extrema versión de mí misma”. Y de la necesidad de huir de lo seguro para seguir creciendo.
by KCF | Dec 15, 2010 | Prensa / Press
Maria Volonté is an intriguingly versatile and original Argentinian singer and songwriter who has been nominated for a Latin Grammy but is little known in Britain, largely, it seems, because no one has bothered to promote her here until now.
by KCF | May 2, 2010 | Prensa / Press
Por Ricardo Salton del diario argentino Ambito Financiero — “Volonté no es convencional en su modo de cantar, y allí está su mejor virtud. A su voz impecable, dulce, prolija, sensual, le agrega una búsqueda que la lleva a romper siempre con el molde.”
by KCF | Feb 18, 2010 | Noticias / News, Prensa / Press
(by Don Heckman, International Review of Music)
Volonte has a long history in Argentine traditional music, and its elements enriched everything she played and sang. But, far more than just an emissary for her native country’s music, she demonstrated a desire, as well as a skill, in using those roots to grow an entrancing creative expression that is uniquely her own.
by KCF | Oct 28, 2009 | Prensa / Press
Maria was recently featured along with other Bay Area tango musicians and dancers in a KQED “California Report” radio story about the vibrant San Francisco, California tango scene. Tango has been popular in Argentina for more than a century and now...
by KCF | May 17, 2009 | Prensa / Press
El agua, los vientos y el cielo, igual que la vida, trajeron y se llevaron muchas cosas”, dice María Volonté en el texto-presentación de su último disco, Sudestada, y a uno casi le parece escucharla desde lejos, con voz honda y aterciopelada.