Category: Fotos / Photos
Milonga El Floridita – Hollywood, CA
Thanks to Laura Mingo for the incredible photos from our show at the Milonga El Floridita in Hollywood, CA.
Tapas Milonga – April 13, 2011
Here are some photos from the Tapas Milonga in Newport Beach on April 13. Thanks to the new friends who danced so intensely to our music and to the super-charming organizer Jimmi for the passion she puts into spreading the love of tango. Thanks also to tango professor Roberto Luque for his wonderful work and…
Name that van! / Bautizá la combi!
Click here to name the van (ends April 20) [one_half] Help Maria name her US tour van. June through August 2011, Maria will be taking the Blue Tango Tour across the US, from Portland to San Francisco to Los Angeles to New York and Washington, DC. Help her name the faithful van that will be…
2010: Que año! / What a year!
[box type=”shadow”] Click a photo to view gallery / Cliquear una foto para ver la galeria en grande [/box]
9 Vidas en Clásica y Moderna
Gracias a todos los amigos que se acercaron a celebrar con nosotros en la presentación de “9 Vidas”…y no se olviden que seguimos el proximo lunes 25 de octubre a las 21.30hs y los sabados de noviembre las 22 hs. Los esperamos!
Carnota en el CAFF
[one_half] [box type=”shadow”][Español] Antes de salir de gira por Europa, este viernes 15 Raul Carnota presentó en el CAFF su nuevo disco solista, “Runa” y me invitó a cantar con él “Ay! Soldedad”, una joya musical y poética del compositor entrerriano Chacho Muller. Cerca del final se sumaron Abel Rogantini en piano, Fabian Sapo Miodownik…
Fiesta en La Peña del Colorado!
Todos tocamos con todos, jazzeros con folcloristas, tangueros con bluseros, siempre bajo la mirada feliz del “Colorado” Esteban y Claudia Díaz Marmol, nuestros queridos anfitriones.
Recital en Casa de America, Madrid
El jueves, 15 de julio tocamos con Mavi Diaz en Casa de América con un montón de amigos.
Unos días en Paris
I spent 10 days in Paris before heading to Spain for my concerts in Madrid and Barcelona with Mavi Díaz.
Photo Gallery: SF & LA
Some photos from our shows in San Francisco & Los Angeles, California in February. We played the Rrazz Room, Vibrato Jazz and a fabulous house concert at Maria Stark’s beach-side home in Los Angeles. Unforgettable! Seeing the pictures is like being there all over again… and pampered by our dear friend Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan!
How to sign a shirt
D’Artagnan, House Manager at the Rrazz Room in San Francisco, California asked Maria to sign his shirt after the show. Here’s how it’s done in three easy steps. (Hint: It’s a good idea to have witnesses when doing this!)
Photos: Rrazz Room, San Francisco
Photos from our show at the Rrazz Room in San Francisco, California on Feb. 9, 2010 by Anne Kohler ( [Click on a photo to see it larger.]
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Lugar/Place: Mar del Plata, Argentina Fecha/Date: December 4 & 5, 2009 Maria Volonte Band: Maria Volonte, vocals & guitar Kevin Carrel Footer, harmonica Pablo Gimenez, electric bass Joaquin Sellan, piano Lautaro Burgos, drums & percussion Compartimos el escenario con el cómico, cantante y actor Dan Breitman y el fabuloso dance band “Oh Baby!” Que se…
Fin de semana a pura musica!!! Weekend of music!!!
Primero el jueves 26 de noviembre nuestro recital de “Nueve Vidas” en el Auditorio del Colegio de Escribanos de Buenos Aires (entradas agotadas!!!…). Después viernes 27 de invitada en La Peña del Colorado con Daniel Maza y “Uruguachos” y el sábado 28, cantando con Ariel Prat en su concierto de despedida de Argentina en el…
Milonga del Cabernet at Robert Mondavi Winery
The sold-out crowd only added to the festive ambiance at the beautiful Robert Mondavi Winery in the Napa Valley wine country. Tango music, dancing, Argentine food and a perfect night in the vineyard under the stars.
Tango Workshop at the Jazz School, Berkeley, CA)
[lang_en] Thanks once again to all the friends that came to this workshop and shared their passion and curiosity about Tango with us. Check out some pictures![/lang_en] [lang_es] Gracias a todos los amigos que vinieron al workshop que presenté el domingo 30 de agosto en el Jazz School (Berkeley,CA) por compartir su pasión y su…
Allentown: old and new friends
ENGLISH>>> In a show produced by our friend Sharon Hillman, I sang once again in Pennsylvania, this time sponsored by the Allentown Symphony Hall. My solo show “Maria Volonte: Intima” has Kevin Footer on harmonica as a guest artist. Thanks to Sharon and to Sheila Evans, Executive Director of the theater for supporting the music…