Category: Blog

  • Fiesta en La Peña del Colorado!

    Todos tocamos con todos, jazzeros con folcloristas, tangueros con bluseros, siempre bajo la mirada feliz del “Colorado” Esteban y Claudia Díaz Marmol, nuestros queridos anfitriones.

  • Recital en Casa de America, Madrid

    El jueves, 15 de julio tocamos con Mavi Diaz en Casa de América con un montón de amigos.

  • Mavi en clave de jazz



    Divertida, poderosa, cancherisima, ultrasensual, Mavi probo una vez más que le sobra talento para apoderarse de cualquier canción y transformarla en un vértigo irresistible. “Que nochecita de martes!”… dijo entre aplausos y aullidos y tenia toda la razón. Anoche en Cafe Vinilo Mavi Diaz presentó “Jazz Moods”, con Abel Rogantini en piano, Pablo Motta en…

  • Fin de semana a pura musica!!! Weekend of music!!!

    Primero el jueves 26 de noviembre nuestro recital de “Nueve Vidas” en el Auditorio del Colegio de Escribanos de Buenos Aires (entradas agotadas!!!…). Después viernes 27 de invitada en La Peña del Colorado con Daniel Maza y “Uruguachos” y el sábado 28, cantando con Ariel Prat en su concierto de despedida de Argentina en el…

  • First weeks back in Buenos Aires



    After being being away for two years, it’s so good to be back!

  • Nuevo disco con Lavie



    [lang_en]I have been making a lot of press appearances to support the launch of Raul Lavie’s new CD, “Las mujeres de Lavie” (“The Women of Lavie”) Here are some pictures.[/lang_en] [lang_es]He venido haciendo un monton de prensa para apoyar el lanzamiento del nuevo disco de Raul Lavie, “Las mujeres de Lavie” donde cante a duo…

  • Yerba Buena Gardens Festival



    Here are some photos from the free outdoor concert at the Yerba Buena Gardens Festival – our last US performance before leaving on a three-month Argentine tour. Thank you to all the friends who joined us! For this gig the Tango Passions Band included: Murray Low on piano, John Wiitala on double-bass, Myron Cohen on…

  • Milonga del Cabernet at Robert Mondavi Winery

    The sold-out crowd only added to the festive ambiance at the beautiful Robert Mondavi Winery in the Napa Valley wine country. Tango music, dancing, Argentine food and a perfect night in the vineyard under the stars.

  • Le Boeuf Brothers and Mike Ruby Quintet



    [lang_en]They are super talented, thoughtful , refreshing, creative, delightfully fun on stage…and so young! Check this link out so you can’t say I didn’t tell you! Some pictures from a wonderful night …[/lang_en] [lang_es]Super talentosos, profundos, frescos, creativos, deliciosamente graciosos en el escenario…y tan jovenes! Visita este link, asi despues no me decis que…

  • Visit to Djerassi / Visita a Djerassi



    [one_half] English: Thanks to my friends Jose Maria Francos -Technical Director of the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts- and dancer and choreographer Jose Navarrete, last weekend I had a wonderful experience: to visit and see first hand how artists live and work together at the famous Djerassi Resident Artists Program. This incredible space is…

  • Allentown: old and new friends

    ENGLISH>>> In a show produced by our friend Sharon Hillman, I sang once again in Pennsylvania, this time sponsored by the Allentown Symphony Hall. My solo show “Maria Volonte: Intima” has Kevin Footer on harmonica as a guest artist. Thanks to Sharon and to Sheila Evans, Executive Director of the theater for supporting the music…

  • San Francisco Jazz Festival Concert



    I’m not going to tell tell you that my Sunday show at the Legion of Honor was a great success (even though it was). If you were there, you know that and I think you could see how much it meant to me and my band they way everyone responded. I have been putting a…

  • On Stage in NY

    Photos from Maria’s concerts in New York and Pennsylvannia, June 2009.

  • Performing with Edgardo Cambon and Urubanda at “La Peña (Berkeley,CS)Con Edgardo Cambon y Urubanda en Berkeley, California



    When Edgardo Cambon – the great Uruguayan band leader, percussionist and composer – invited me to sing with his Candombe group “Urubanda” as a guest artist I immediately said “Yes!” We Argentinians and our neighbors from the Rio de la Plata have so many musical passions in common!… I’ve been following Edgardo’s impressive career in…

  • At the Benbow Inn with Akira Tana



    [lang_en] Garberville, California — In the middle of mountains covered in redwoods, after a curve in the winding road, The Benbow Inn appears like a hidden gem. Once a hideaway for Hollywood stars following its opening in 1926, the Benbow Inn is a grand hotel built in isolated, but spectacular surroundings. I was invited by…

  • New York debut… Sold out!Debut en Nueva York



    Both the July 7 show at the Americas Society and the July 9 show at Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater were sold out!!!…I want to thank our wonderful publicist Cindy Byram, Sebastian Zubieta (from the Americas Society) and all the people who made this success possible with their presence and enthusiastic support. As those…

  • At the Sonoma Jazz Festival – 24 May 2008En el Festival de Jazz de Sonoma



    Just imagine a beautiful town full of history, the irresistible promise of tasting exquisite wines and listening to music, lots of people wandering the streets in a long-weekend sort of mood. It was idyllic. Though it rained – something that is rare in California — every aspect of the show at the Sonoma Meritage Tent…

  • Listen to “Sudestada”



    Listen to Maria Volonte’s new album “Sudestada.” To listen while browsing Maria’s website, select “Play in pop-up”

  • Bienvenidos… Welcome…



    Yo vivo en una casa que mira al río… Entre soles de fuego y lunas de hielo, entre furias de espuma y atardeceres serenos, aprendí a convivir con las tormentas, las que venían desde lejos hasta mí ventana y las que rugían dentro de mí. Descubrí alegre y dolorosamente el flujo eterno que lo gobierna…