Author: KCF
Derek Sivers of CD Baby loves Maria Volonte
Derek Sivers has been a guiding light for me in the music business. As the founder of CD Baby, he made it possible for independent artists like us to distribute our CDs without major label support. But even more importantly, he has always been extremely generous in sharing his experience and lessons with other musicians.…
Blue Tango Tour hits Chicago
[one_half]Full house at the Ucranian Cultural Center in Chicago!!! We want to thank to the Argentine Consulate’s staff, especially to Julia Pan and Jorge Manghi for all their help and enthusiasm. Congratulations to Dinah D’Antoni, the concert organizer and many thanks also to dancer and choreographer Jorge Niedas, and to Liz, Lana and Nazco for…
At Gatherings in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
If passion is your inner compass, wherever you go in this country you can find the lovely, mischievous embrace of a tango community. Here in Cedar Rapids Patricia and Juan Marcos, true lovers of tango (both from Argentina) did a wonderful job in organizing the whole evening
Mercury Cafe, Denver, Colorado
In Denver we played at the Mercury Cafe, a sort of cultural center where dance, music, progressive politics, food and green ecology come together under the guidance of the founder Marilyn. She is an institution on the Denver cultural scene, a person who immediately inspires respect. We did a concert in the charming cabaret space…
Diana Cruz & Nick Jones dance “Beso Azul” in Denver
And here is another camera angle where you can appreciate the incredible dancing of Diana & Nick. Enjoy!
From the Road / Desde el camino (l)
Polvo y camino: un videito desde Wyoming. / Dust and roads, a little video from Wyoming.
Maria’s van: And the winner is!…
cha chaan!..La combie ya tiene nombre: “Maria de Buenos Aires” !!!…y va tambien un pequeño video presentando a Remedios Rapoport, la artista de Portland que hizo el fileteado.
Tough girls
Les presento a Pamela y Karen, que deben andar por los 60 y pico largos. A ver chicas si aprendemos de una vez por todas!… (en el Km 249 de la ruta 84 en Idaho, cerca de la frontera con Utah)
At Tango Berretin Milonga (Portland,OR)
Aca van algunas fotos de Tango Berretin, la milonga de Alex Krebs en Portland, OR, donde tocamos el sabado 18 de junio.
Dancing chacarera live with Maria Volonte at Tango Berretín in Portland
And another view of the performance captured by our new friend Rich Rodriquez in Portland who came to both the concert at The Old Church and the milonga at Tango Berretín. In his email forwarding us the video he said, “This was most most stunning Argentine musical performance I’ve seen in a long, time. So…
In Portland, OR, at The Old Church
Viernes 17 de junio en Portland, Oregon: hicimos un concierto en una iglesia gotica de 1885. Como diria Fede Gil Sola, una experiencia sagrada en el mejor de los sentidos.
Jamming in Mount Shasta
Despues de nuestro show bajo la sombra de Mount Shasta, esa increible montaña del norte de California, Kevin improviso junto con Terry Kincaid, autor de este tema y de muchos otros hits de la musica country. Que lo disfruten!!!
Ed’s hipstamatic pics!
Aca van mas fotos del house concert que hicimos en Aptos, CA, tomadas por nuestro amigo Ed Summerfield
First Stop: an Aptos oasis
Sabado 11 de junio, primera parada del BlueTangoTour en Aptos, California. Un house concert inolvidable, rodeados de verdaderos amantes de la musica y de yapa el capo Roger Linn entre el publico (si, el inventor de la LinnDrumMachine!)
Con Pablo Motta en San Francisco.
El martes 7 fui a la milonga de El Valenciano en San Francisco para despedirme de algunos amigos antes de salir de gira y aplaudirlos a Pablo Motta y al excelente bandoneonista californiano Seth Asarnow que tocaban juntos. En el segundo set me invitaron a cantar un par de temas con ellos…placer total!!!
Nota del concierto en Pilar Golf
Aca va una nota sobre el recital que hicimos para el Ciclo de Conciertos en Pilar Golf el 28 de mayo. Fue mi ultimo show en Buenos Aires antes de salir gira asi que comparto los elogios con la entrañable Graciela Nobilo y con mi adorada 9 Vidas Band: Rabito, Sapo, Kevin y Joaquin…los extraño…
Mavi Diaz y Las Folkies – “Sin Estribos”
Some backstage shots from Mavi Diaz & Las Folkies recording for the TV show “Sin Estribos.” Photos by Kevin Carrel Footer.
Milonga El Floridita – Hollywood, CA
Thanks to Laura Mingo for the incredible photos from our show at the Milonga El Floridita in Hollywood, CA.