Author: KCF

  • At the Rrazz Room in San Francisco

    At the Rrazz Room in San Francisco

    Thank you to all the friends who joined us at our concert at the Rrazz Room on August 8. Here are some pictures and a little video for you to enjoy!

  • SFJAZZ Concert at Stanford / Aug. 11

    SFJAZZ Concert at Stanford / Aug. 11

    On Thursday, August 11 we will be performing a FREE concert at the San Francisco Jazz Festival at Stanford. I hope you can join us!!!

  • Maria Volonte Newsletter – August 2011

    Maria Volonte Newsletter – August 2011

    Maria Volonte Newsletter – August 2011 Hola Amigos! Estaremos de vuelta en San Francisco en el Rrazz Room el lunes 8 de agosto, recien llegados de nuestro tour de 2 meses cruzando los Estados Unidos, llenos de nuevas canciones y aventuras para compartir. TRAE TUS ZAPATOS PARA BAILAR…por primera vez abrimos la pista en el…

  • Video: El camino es mi casa

    Video: El camino es mi casa

    [box type=”shadow”] Si te gusta la nueva cancion, por favor dejanos tu comentario abajo. Nos encanta saber tu opinion! If you like the new song, please leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you! [/box]

  • Video message from Terra Hill

    Video message from Terra Hill

    Our dear friend and beautiful tango dancer Terra Hill sent this video message. We met at our concert at The Old Church in Portland, Oregon and again the following night at Tango Berretín, Alex Krebs’ well-known milonga: P.S. If you would like to create your own video message about what María Volonté’s music means to…

  • Concert in San Francisco, CA – August 8

    Concert in San Francisco, CA – August 8

    Monday, August 8, 2011 – San Francisco, CA: We are having a dance floor brought in specially to the Rrazz Room for all you tango dancers… so bring those dancing shoes! Let’s heat up those foggy San Francisco nights!

  • Concert at Esquina Tango in Austin, TX

    – Gracias a Monica Caivano y Gustavo Simplis, por abrir las puertas de “Esquina Tango” a nuestra musica y sobre todo por conectarnos con esa comunidad tan linda que ellos crearon alrededor de su pasion por el tango y toda la musica latina. Gracias tambien a Deena y Denis Kohl por su hospitalidad generosa y…

  • Maria Volonte’s interview with Michael Crockett on KUT Austin, TX

    – Con Kevin Footer nos presentamos en “Horizontes”, el programa de radio de Michael Crockett en KUT, en Austin, Texas. Hicimos dos de nustros propios temas en vivo, “Beso Azul” y “9 Vidas” y hablamos de nuestro proximo show en Esquina Tango el 30 de julio en Austin. – With Kevin we appeared with host…

  • At Jamene’s in Ponchatoula, LA

    – Nuestra querida amiga Jamene vive en Ponchatula, Lousiana. Ella nos abrio las puertas de su casa, su generosisima hospitalidad y sobre todo el corazon de la provincia: el verde lujurioso de los pantanos y sus selvas, la belleza de la arquitectura, la calida apertura de la gente, las viejas historias, la magia y el…

  • Cool New Poster for Maria’s Rrazz Room show

    Our friends at the Rrazz Room just sent us the cool new poster for my show at the Rrazz Room on Monday, August 8. The photo was taken by Kevin in Los Angeles against a typically LA background, but I love the way the designer cropped the photo and added the text. I am excited…

  • Concert: Williamsburg, NY

    Some pictures from the house concert we did in Williamsburg, NY, on July 17. We enjoyed enormously having the chance to play again with our beloved Lautaro Burgos, the Argentine drummer and percussionist from Chaco, Argentina, now based in Manhattan, NY, who added his unique genius and passion to the music. Thanks a lot to…

  • New York Concert at the Argentine Consulate

    New York Concert at the Argentine Consulate

    Many thanks to Adriana Trotta and her staff for opening the doors of the Argentine Consulate in NY to our music.

  • T-Bone & George

    Our French cameraman Timo “T-Bone” Ebermann and our host in Leesburg, VA, George Johnson hit the Harley-Davidsons. Take cover!

  • El Pez Cuadrado

    Nuestro amigo Horacio en Mejico agregó nuestra versión de Boulevard of Broken Dreams a su blog, El Pez Cuadrado. Gracias Horacio! Dice: Aunque María Volonté tiene su propio súper sitio web (ahí a la derecha está el link), cuento con su tolerancia para reproducir aquí esta deliciosa presentación suya, con Kevin Carrel Footer en armónica…

  • Celebrante de la Vida



    Facundo querido: el odio te era ajeno y ya habias hecho las paces hasta con la muerte. Me quedo con nuestras largas charlas por telefono, con tu infinita gratitud, con tus canciones gozosas y sabias.

  • Concierto en la Embajada Argentina en Washington

    – Una celebracion lindisima del Dia de la Independencia en la Embajada Argentina en Washingon DC, donde tuvimos el placer de tocar a sala llena. Gracias a todo el equipo de la Embajada por hacer posible este concierto increible. – We had an amazing celebration of Argentina’s Independence Day at our Embassy in Washington DC.…

  • María Volonté Tiny Desk Concert

    Some background: In July 2011, in the middle of our cross-country US Tour, we stopped by the NPR offices in Washington, DC and recorded a Tiny Desk Concert. (See backstage photos here.) We had been invited by Jasmine Garsd and Felix Contreras of the National Public Radio program “Alt.Latino.” While the surroundings are simple —…

  • Breakdown in Virginia

    [one_half]Our faithful 1991 GMC Vandura tour van “Maria de Buenos Aires” (also known as “La Chanchita”) had a bad day on Thursday. The alternator gave out on Interstate 267 in Virginia. Fortunately, the breakdown came AFTER our NPR concert, so we just accepted our fate until the tow truck arrived. “La Chanchita” will spend the…

  • Update! – Concert in Washington, DC

    We just confirmed a concert at the Argentine Embassy in Washington DC on July 8… just in time to celebrate Argentine Independence Day. Maria Volonte: Blue Tango Tour Embassy of Argentina 1600 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009 July 8, 2011 Doors: 6:00 PM Concert: 6:30 PM Free Concert An intimate concert by Maria…

  • Review: Maria Volonte in Chicago

    Ms. Volonte played many of her hits with brief explanations of each of her songs. It was such an intimate affair that I felt like she was in my living room performing for us live. She was accompanied by her harmonica player, Kevin Footer, who played an emotional harmonica and displayed his soul-driven dancing skills.