Backstage at NPR: María Volonté Tiny Desk Concert

  • María Volonté at NPR Tiny Desk Concert 2011

In 2011, María Volonté and Kevin Carrel Footer recorded a Tiny Desk Concert at National Public Radio (NPR) in Washington DC.

Here are some backstage photos from our performance at the NPR Tiny Desk Concert series… along with some photos from our adventures on the road including a concert at the Argentine Embassy in Washington DC. Though our beloved tour van, La Chanchita, would break down from time to time, she never stopped us from getting to the venue on time to perform!

Watch the María Volonté Tiny Desk here:

En 2011, María Volonté y Kevin Carrel Footer grabaron un Tiny Desk Concert en la Radio Pública Nacional (NPR) en Washington D.C.

Aquí hay algunas fotos tras bambalinas de nuestra actuación en la serie de conciertos NPR Tiny Desk… junto con algunas fotos de nuestras aventuras en la carretera, incluido un concierto en la Embajada Argentina en Washington D.C. Aunque nuestra querida camioneta de gira, La Chanchita, se averiaba de vez en cuando, nunca nos impidió llegar a tiempo al lugar para tocar!

Ver el María Volonté Tiny Desk acá:


2 responses to “Backstage at NPR: María Volonté Tiny Desk Concert”

  1. Rolf Schlag Avatar
    Rolf Schlag

    Hallo Maria,
    Hi Kevin,

    schön von euch zu hören! Ein sehr schönes kleines Konzert. Ich denke immer noch sehr gern an unseren gemeinsamen Abend in Buenos Aires.
    Viele herzliche Grüße aus Berlin

  2. Raymond Mitchell Avatar
    Raymond Mitchell

    Oh,wow! Just what I needed today. My house got flooded as a result of a connection hose to a toilet that exploded. Much running about to try to minimize all the damage. Your gentle, bluesy voices combined with that delicate guitar and wondrous harmonica were just the thing to soothe my frenzied soul and restore the rhythm of my heart. Play on, dear people, play on.

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