– Nuestra querida amiga Jamene vive en Ponchatula, Lousiana. Ella nos abrio las puertas de su casa, su generosisima hospitalidad
y sobre todo el corazon de la provincia: el verde lujurioso de los pantanos y sus selvas, la belleza de la arquitectura, la calida apertura de la gente, las viejas historias, la magia y el misterio de un mundo ya olvidado y dado que ella es ademas, una cocinera estupenda, toda la opulencia seductora de la cocina de Lousiana. Y adivina que…nos prometio llevarnos a cazar cocodrilos la proxima vez que vengamos a visitarla!
– Our beloved friend Jamene lives in Ponchatoula, Louisiana. She opened not only the doors of her house and her immensely generous hospitality to us but also the real heart of the state: the luxurious green of the bayou and the forests, the beauty of the architecture, the warm openness of their people, the old stories, the magic and the mystery of an ancient world, and since she is also a wonderful cook, all the seductive opulence of Louisiana’s cuisine. And guess what, she promised to take us on a alligator hunt next time we are in town!
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