At Gatherings in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

If passion is your inner compass, wherever you go in this country you can find the lovely, mischievous embrace of a tango community. Here in Cedar Rapids Patricia and Juan Marcos, true lovers of tango (both from Argentina) did a wonderful job in organizing the whole evening and Tom and Brian from Gatherings offered the perfect setting for our concert. The devoted pampering from fabulous hosts Lidia and Dave Graham, turned the experience into a magical one. We will be back soon!


2 responses to “At Gatherings in Cedar Rapids, Iowa”

  1. Patricia Vahanian Avatar
    Patricia Vahanian

    The experience of having you two here was re-energizing, your passioned performance had us all waiting for more! Please keep spreading the love for our “musica ciudadana” around the world, and remember to come back our heart is always open to you!

  2. Hi again, María. Te dejo mi comentario aquí porque no encontré otro espacio más ad-hoc. Y es sólo para pedirte una venia (tardía) por haber subido a mi blog tu videíto del Boulevard de los corazones rotos, que está encantador, y de paso pegar allí el link de tu sitio. Un saludo afectuoso desde Mex y mi admiración de siempre.

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