First Stop: an Aptos oasis

Sabado 11 de junio, primera parada del BlueTangoTour en Aptos, California. Un house concert inolvidable, rodeados de verdaderos amantes de la musica y de yapa el capo Roger Linn entre el publico (si, el inventor de la LinnDrumMachine!)

We started our Blue Tango Tour with the perfect outdoor house concert: beautiful weather, exquisite hospitality from the hosts Sandy and Hernan the owners of a beautiful home in Aptos, CA, magical connection with the audience, an atmosphere of true love for music. And we even had a guest of honor: the fascinating musician and inventor Roger Linn (yes, the creator of the famous Linn drum machine).

Enjoy some pictures down below and also find out how to throw your own house concert.

Here are some photos Roger took:


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