The “Blue Tango” show is Maria’s exploration of the deep spiritual bond that joins tango and the blues, as two genres steeped in sin, born in brothels, censored yet always resurgent and speaking directly to our souls.
Performing together with harmonica player Kevin Carrel Footer, Maria’s guitar and vocals fill the stage with the illicit pleasures of tango while Kevin’s blues ha…rmonica echoes with the distant whine of the solitary blues soul.
Concert info:
Maria Volonte: Blue Tango
Sunday, March 20, 2011 – 3pm
Avonova House Concert Series
417 Avon St., Oakland, CA 94618
Ticket Info:
Cost of donation: $15-$20 (Sliding Scale, cash only)
Reservations highly recommended
To make reservations, visit
Maria Volonte – guitar & vocals
Kevin Carrel Footer – harmonica
Argentina’s Latin Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Maria Volonte brings the passionate music of Buenos Aires to the Avonova House Concert Series on March 20, 2011 with her new show “Blue Tango.”
Maria Volonte is renowned for her intense live performances, exquisite musicality, charismatic stage presence and deep Latin sensuality. With 8 award-winning CDs and a performance schedule that takes her around the globe, Maria Volonte is an artist you don’t want to miss.
What people are saying about Maria Volonte:
The Guardian (UK) says, “She can mix an intimate treatment of tango
classics by the great Astor Piazzolla with songs from Chile and
Brazil, along with echoes of late-night jazz and Latin-blues fusion.
She has a cool, emotional style, plays impressive acoustic guitar, and
is willing to experiment.”
The Los Angeles Times says, “Volonté is a good example of an artist
who is respectful of her roots yet not afraid to go beyond musty old
formulas… Her musical concept is refreshingly broad.”
While Jazz Perspectives says simply, “María Volonté combines the
earthiness of Edith Piaf with the sassiness of Eartha Kitt.”
More press information:
Artist website:
Electronic Press Kit:
Venue website: www.avonovamusic.comSee More
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