Performing with Edgardo Cambon and Urubanda at “La Peña (Berkeley,CS)Con Edgardo Cambon y Urubanda en Berkeley, California




When Edgardo Cambon – the great Uruguayan band leader, percussionist and composer – invited me to sing with his Candombe group “Urubanda” as a guest artist I immediately said “Yes!” We Argentinians and our neighbors from the Rio de la Plata have so many musical passions in common!…

I’ve been following Edgardo’s impressive career in the Bay Area – 20 years as the creator of salsa group “Musicandela”, among other bands – and I especially admire his persistent work in spreading the marvels of Afro-Uruguayan rhythms all over the world.

I’ve made a couple of successful solo shows at La Peña before, so I was excited about doing something completely different this time. What a great pleasure to play surrounded by all the energy and charisma of Edgardo and his talented musicians!…It really was a wonderful night: lots of excellent music, irresistible drumming, the audience dancing deliriously. And if that were not enough, we played the most powerful, unforgettable version of one of my songs: “Candombe Bailador”.
Cuando Edgardo Cambon – el gran líder de la banda uruguaya, percusionista y compositor – me invitó a cantar con su grupo de Candombe “Urubanda” como artista invitado inmediatamente le dije “¡Sí!” Los argentinos y nuestros vecinos del Río de la Plata tenemos tantas pasiones musicales en común …

He venido siguiendo la impresionante carrera de Edgardo en el Área de la Bahía – 20 años como el creador del grupo de salsa “Musicandela”, entre otras bandas – y sobre todo admiro su persistente labor en la difusión de las maravillas de los ritmos afro-uruguayos en todo el mundo.

He tenido en ocasiones anteriores un par de exitosos shows solistas en La Peña, así que estaba entusiasmada con hacer algo completamente diferente esta vez. Qué gran placer jugar rodeada de toda la energía y el carisma de Edgardo y sus talentosos músicos … Realmente fue una noche maravillosa: montones de música excelente, tambores irresistibles, el público bailando delirantemente. Y si eso no fuera suficiente, juntos tocamos la version más poderosa e inolvidable del “Candombe Bailador”.


One response to “Performing with Edgardo Cambon and Urubanda at “La Peña (Berkeley,CS)Con Edgardo Cambon y Urubanda en Berkeley, California

  1. Hola María,

    Thank you so much for your kind comments, and please know that the pleasure and honor was mine to invite you and for you to accept.
    The audience loved your participation at La Peña
    and I also thought that it was some of the best music we played allnight.
    I hope we get to collaborate again in the near future.
    Take care.

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